First Annual (2022) | Second Annual (2023) | Third Annual (2024)

UT Arlington hosted the First Annual Indigenous People’s Day on Monday, October 10, 2022, to dedicate the newly renovated Land Acknowledgement Courtyard and unveil the Land Acknowledgement bronze plaque and monument.
3-4 PM — Forum: “Being Indigenous at UTA”
Moderators: Sampson Dewey (Paiute; Native American Student Association President); Kristy Willis (Choctaw, Native American Student Association Former President); Stephen Silva Brave (Lakota, Native American Students Association Vice President)
4-5 PM — Presentation of the Land Acknowledgement and Site Dedication
Acknowledgement reading and dedication by Samson Dewey (Paiute; Native American Student Association President) and Kristy Willis (Choctaw, Native American Student Association Former President). Speech by Diana Parton, CEO of Prolora LLC, citizen of the Caddo Nation. Site Dedication read by Dr. Jennifer Cowley, University of Texas at Arlington President. Additional speakers included Dr. Tamara L. Brown (UTA Provost, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs), Dr. Nichole Prescott (Myaamia/Miami Nation of Oklahoma, UT System Office of Academic Affairs), David Hopman (UTA Associate Professor, Landscape Architecture), Darryl Lauster (recorded, UTA Professor, Art), Dr. Ken Roemer (former Native American Students Association Advisor, Emeritus UT System Academy of Dist. Teachers), Dr. Les Riding In (Pawnee/Osage, current Native American Students Association Advisor, Chair of Acknowledgement Committee), Arlington Mayor Jim Ross (Cherokee). Cutting of the banner explained by NASA Past Presidents Dr. Robert Caldwell (Choctaw-Apache) and Stephanie Vielle (Blackfeet). Banner created by Perla Vargas, UTA graduate. Unveiling the Monument/Plaque performed by Sampson and past NASA Presidents and leaders.
5-6 PM — Native Food Tasting and Native Now exhibition
Native Foods Tasting: Kristy Willis (Choctaw); Pauline Longfox (MS Choctaw)
Native Now: Deep History, Deep Healing curated by Sampson Dewey (Paiute), Kristy WIllis (Choctaw), and Dr. Leah McCurdy. Support provided by Morgan Chivers, Dr. Asley Lemke, Dr. Ken Roemer, and Dr. Les Riding In.
Slide Show of the transformation of the roundhouse and courtyard; NASA events by Stephen Silva Brave (Lakota; Native American Student Association Vice President)
6 PM — Keynote: “Native Circles: Sustaining the Homeland,”
Dr. Farina King, (Diné) Horizon Chair of Native American Ecology and Culture, University of Oklahoma
Sponsored by Native American Student Association, Office of Diversity Equity, and Inclusion, College of Liberal Arts, Art & Art History Department, Honors College, UTA Libraries, Landscape Architecture Program, Office of Cultural Engagement and Social Change, and Office of Administration and Economic Development.

UT Arlington hosted the Second Annual Indigenous People’s Day on Monday, October 9, 2023, from sun-up to sundown, focusing on remembrance, storytelling, and performance.
6 am — Tipi erection by Carl Kurtz (Citizen Band Potowatomi); Central Library Mall
10 am — Tipi Talk with Carl Kurtz (Citizen Band Potowatomi); Central Library Mall
11 am — Morning Native Plant Tour with Annette Anderson (Chickasaw & Cherokee), Professor David Hopman, and Morgan Chivers; Land Acknowledgement Courtyard
12 pm — Native Food Lunch and Seed Display; UTA Central Library Parlor
2 pm — Afternoon Native Plant Tour with Annette Anderson (Chickasaw & Cherokee), Professor David Hopman, and Morgan Chivers; Land Acknowledgement Courtyard
4 pm — Being Indigenous at UTA Student Panel; Land Acknowledgement Courtyard
6 pm — KEYNOTE: Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women/People with Jodi Voice Yellowfish of MMIW Tx Rematriate; Land Acknowledgement Courtyard
7:30 pm — Ollin Cuauhtli (Eagle Movement) Azteca Danza Performance; Central Library Mall
8 pm — Storytelling under the Stars with Michael Tongkeamha (Kiowa); Land Acknowledgement Courtyard
The Intertribal Community Council of Texas sold Native foods from 11 am – 3pm and 5 – 8pm in the Central Library Mall.

UT Arlington hosted the Third Annual Indigenous People’s Day on Monday, October 14, 2024, with a fair spanning from the Land Acknowledgement Courtyard to the Central Library.
Students, faculty, and staff at UTA, as well as community members from around Arlington, met and learned about local organizations dedicated to the Native American / American Indian and Indigenous communities. Students interested in earning prizes visiting at least nine booths at the fair and participated in activities. Organizations represented included:
– Fort Worth ISD American Indian Education Program
– The Indigenous Peoples’ Caucus
– Grand Prairie ISD & State curriculum developers of American Indian / Native Studies course
– Ollin Cuauhtli Azteca Danza
– Indigenous Institute of the Americas
– Native Texas Health
– MMIW Texas Rematriate
– Partnership with Native Americans
– Beyond Bows & Arrows Radio Program
– Native Now
UTA-based organizations included:
– Native American Serving Nontribal Institution Employee Network
– Native American Students Association
– Society for the Advancement of Chicano and Native Americans in the Sciences chapter
– Anthropology Club
– Sociology Students Association