We’re so happy to meet you here! Learn about us. Then, come meet us for real in the Land Acknowledgement Courtyard at the University of Texas at Arlington! Make sure you know the Land Acknowledgement Statement when you go! We’re right at the center of campus! Use the map below to find us.
For student pals, use landmarks on campus to find us.
- From the Maverick Activities Center, walk east through the CAPPA and Fine Arts Building and across the Cooper Street bridge. Then, walk around Science Hall to the Library Mall until you’re between Preston Hall, Carlisle Hall, and the Chemistry Research Building.
- From the Central Library, walk directly north along the Library Mall. Pass the Chemistry Research Building and you will find the courtyard on your right.
- From the University Center, walk along the UC Mall between Ransom Hall and Woolf Hall. Once you’ve reached the end of Preston Hall, take a left. Around the corner will be the courtyard.
For visiting pals, use visitor parking options and the following walking routes to find us.
- From the Maverick Parking Garage (off S. West St.), walk out the west entrance and turn north to walk between Hammond Hall/Trimble Hall and the back of the Central Library. Turn left at Saxe Circle (in front of the Planetarium). Walk along the north side of the Central Library. Turn right at the corner of the Chemistry Research Building onto the Library Mall. You’ll see the courtyard and roundhouse on your right.
- From the University Center visitor parking areas in Lot F11 (off UTA Blvd.) or Lot 39 (off Spaniolo Dr.), walk west along the University Center and take a left at the corner of the building, to walk between it and Woolf Hall. Turn right in front of Ransom Hall, onto the UC Mall between Preston Hall and Woolf Hall. Turn left at the corner of Preston Hall and the courtyard is on the other side of the building.
- From the University Administration Building visitor parking areas in Lot F9 (across from the Campus Information Booth on W. Nedderman Dr.), walk north in from of Texas Hall and the small CAPPA South Building. Turn right at the bus stop onto Greek Row Dr. Pass the traffic circle and walk up the ramp or stairs through the Fine Arts Building and across the Cooper Street Bridge. Walk around Science Hall towards the Library Mall. Take a right at the corner of Science Hall and walk north until you find the courtyard!

Learn about how we came to life through the Native Plant Pals Project Report.