Your Inland Sea Oats Plant Pal!

Hey friend, I’m Sunny Sea Oat! Many people call me Inland Sea Oats. I guess I’m just a quiet, humble little plant, but my friends say I have a big heart and a lot to offer. I might be a bit shy, stickin’ to the shade, swayin’ in the breeze, but I have been a pretty important part of life for a long time, especially for my Cocopa friends of the Southern deserts. They’ve been great pals to me.
My Cocopa friends like my seeds for making a porridge, like the grits many folks love today. The Cocopa folks would gather me up, dry me out, and grind me into a fine meal that made a hearty dish. They say I’m tasty and I’m full of all the good nutrients and energy they need to keep going. I’m happy to give my friends a boost for the day and know that I help them stay strong!
When my seeds are ready to eat, they turn a light brown color that my friends say is easy to spot against my green leaves and even the soil that helps me grow. When my seeds fall, my friends will find them! I’m happy that they don’t get blown away in the wind and are useful.
I guess I’m pretty important to some of my many-legged friends, too. They say I’m basically a natural snack pack. Birds love my seeds and it is always nice to see when my bird friends use my stems and leaves to make their nests. I enjoy meeting their little babies! Oh, and it makes my day when my butterfly friends visit me, too! All my friends know to find me under the trees along rivers, streams, and creeks. So, if you ever spot me with my lovely oat-like seeds, come relax in the shade and say hello! I’d be so happy to make a new friend. Whether I’m swayin’ in the breeze, chattin’ it up with some chicks, or fillin’ a bowl with goodness, I’m always happy to lend a hand (or a seed!). Just call me Sunny Sea Oat, your friendly plant that’s been here to nourish and brighten up your day.
Now that we are pals, come visit me in the UTA Land Acknowledgement Courtyard!